Doctoral Symposium
The ISSTA Doctoral Symposium is a forum for Ph.D. students working in the area of software testing and analysis to publicly discuss their research goals, methods, and preliminary results with senior researchers from the software testing and analysis community in a constructive and friendly atmosphere. Participants will obtain useful guidance for completion of their dissertation research and initiation of a research career in software testing and analysis. Each prospective student participant should be at a stage in their research where they have already identified a research topic, but are at least 6 months prior to dissertation completion. Participants will be selected based on an extended abstract describing their proposed thesis research. Symposium Participants will also be asked to prepare a poster detailing their work, and to present that poster at a student poster session on one of the Technical Paper Session days.
You can obtain more information on the ISSTA Doctoral Symposium web page.
Submission of Extended Abstract
Your extended abstract should provide a description of the larger problem your research is trying to address, a focused description of the proposed research, including a statement of your hypotheses, a description of your approach and evaluation plans, and an indication of related work and expected improvements and benefits. The abstract must be prepared in the same ACM conference format required for Technical Papers, and must not exceed 4 pages in final form.
Submit your abstract via the paper submission website.
Important Dates
- Doctoral Symposium Abstract, Submission Date Extended to: April 30, 2008.
- Doctoral Symposium Author Notification: May 26, 2008.
- Doctoral Symposium: July 21, 2008.
- Gregg Rothermel (Chair), University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Laura K. Dillon (Symposium Committee),
Michigan State University
- Mauro Pezze (Symposium Committee),
University of Milano Bicocca and University of Lugano
- David S. Rosenblum (Symposium Committee), University College London