Call for Participation
Conference Organization
General Chair
Barbara Ryder,
Rutgers University, USA
Program Chair
Andreas Zeller,
Saarland University, Germany
Program Committee
Antonia Bertolino
Lionel Briand
Laura K. Dillon
Nurit Dor
Sebastian Elbaum
Michael Ernst
Stephen Fink
Sarfraz Khurshid
Ana Milanova
Corina Pasareanu
Andy Podgurski
Sriram K. Rajamani
David S. Rosenblum
Yannis Smaragdakis
Tao Xie
Doctoral Symposium
Gregg Rothermel
Laura K. Dillon
Mauro Pezze
David S. Rosenblum
ISSTA is the leading research conference in software testing and analysis, bringing together academics, industrial researchers, and practitioners to exchange new ideas, problems, and experience.
Responding to the growth and impact of our thriving community, ISSTA has changed from its traditional biannual schedule to an annual one. In 2008 ISSTA will be held in Seattle, Washington.
Technical Program
Authors are invited to submit technical papers describing original research in testing or analysis of computer software. Papers describing theoretical or empirical research, new techniques, or in-depth case studies of testing and analysis methods and tools are welcome. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this symposium. Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign an ACM copyright release.
Doctoral Symposium
The ISSTA Doctoral Symposium is a forum for Ph.D. students working in the area of software testing and analysis to publicly discuss their research goals, methods, and preliminary results with senior researchers from the software testing and analysis community.
Workshop Proposals
One day Workshops will offer the opportunity for exchanging
views and advancing ideas on hot research topics. Held before
the main conference, workshops provide a forum for the rapid
dissemination of ongoing research activities. Researchers
interested in organizing a workshop should submit a proposal
by email to the conference chairs:
Technical Paper Submission Guidelines
Technical papers must be prepared in ACM conference format, and must not exceed 11 pages in camera-ready form, including figures and references. All submissions must be in English. Submit your paper via the paper submission website.
Important Dates
- November 15, 2007:Workshop proposal submission deadline
- January 31, 2008: Research paper submission deadline
- April 14, 2008:Doctoral symposium abstract submission deadline
Download Call for Participation: [pdf]