

PSE Publications
- Ramakrishnan, Watson, Kafura, Ribbens, and Shaffer,
Programming Environments for Multidisciplinary Grid Communities"
- S. Tadepalli, C. J. Ribbens and S. Varadarajan,
"GEMS: A job management system for fault tolerant grid computing," in
Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium 2004,
J. Meyer (ed.), Soc. for Modeling and Simulation Internat.,
San Diego, CA, 2004, pp 59-66.
- P. Bora, C. J. Ribbens, S. Prabhakar, G. Swaminathan,
M. Chinnusamy, A. Jeyakumar and B. Diaz-Acosta,
"Issues in Runtime Algorithm Selection for Grid Environments,"
in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Challenges
of Large Applications in Distributed Environments,
I. Banicescu (ed.), IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2003, pp 80-87.
Preliminary version available
- Allen, N.A., L. Calzone, K.C. Chen, A. Ciliberto, N. Ramakrishnan,
C.A. Shaffer, J.C. Sible, J.J. Tyson, M.T. Vass, L.T. Watson, and
J.W. Zwolak,
Modeling Regulatory Networks at Virginia Tech,
OMICS, A Journal of Integrative Biology 7,
3(2003), 285-299.
- Allen, N.A., C.A. Shaffer,
M.T. Vass, N. Ramakrishnan, and L.T. Watson,
Improving the Development Process for Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Models
with a Modeling support environment,
Simulation 79, 12(Dec 2003), 674-688.
- Allen, N.A., C.A. Shaffer, M.T. Vass, N. Ramakrishnan,
and L.T. Watson,
Improving the Development Process for Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Models
with a Modeling support environment. In
Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference,
S. Chick, P.J. Sanchez, D. Ferrin, and D.J. Morrice, eds., 2003, 782-790.
- Borisuk, M. and J.J. Tyson,
Bifurcation analysis of a model of mitotic control in frog eggs,
Journal of Theoretical Biology 195,
(1998), 69-85.
- Chen, K.C., A. Csikasz-Nagy, B. Gyorffy, J. Val, B. Novak, and
J.J. Tyson,
Kinetic Analysis of a molecular model of the budding
yeast cell cycle,
Molecular Biology of the Cell 11, (January 2000), 369-391.
- Chen, K.C., L. Calzone, A. Csikasz-Nagy, F.R. Cross, B. Novak, and
J.J. Tyson, Integrative analysis of cell cycle control in budding
Molecular Biology of the Cell 15, (August 2000), 3841-3862.
[pdf (preprint)]
- He, J., L.T. Watson, N. Ramakrishnan, C.A. Shaffer,
A. Verstak, J. Jiang, K. Bae, and W.H. Tranter,
Dynamic Data Structures for a Direct Search Algorithm,
Computational Optimization and Applications 23,
1(October 2002), 5-25.
- He, J., M. Sosonkina, C.A. Shaffer, J.J. Tyson, L.T. Watson, and
J.W. Zwolak, ``A hierarchical parallel scheme for a global search
algorithm'', in
Proceedings of the High Performance
Computing Symposium 2004,
J. Meyer (ed.), Society for Modeling and Simulation International,
San Diego, CA, 2004, 43-50.
- He., J., M. Sosonkina, C.A. Shaffer, J.J. Tyson, L.T. Watson, J.W.
Zwolak, "A Hierarchical Parallel Scheme for Global Parameter Estimation
in Systems Biology", in Proceedings of IPDPS (International
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium) CD-ROM, Santa Fe, New Mexico,
April, 2004.
- Marlovits, G, C.J. Tyson, B. Novak, and J.J. Tyson,
Modeling {M}-phase Control in {X}enopus Oocyte Extracts:
the Surveillance Mechanism for Unreplicated {DNA},
Biophysical Chemistry 72, (1998), 169-184.
- Novák, B. and J.J. Tyson,
Numerical analysis of a comprehensive
model of M-phase control in Xenopus oocyte extracts and intact embryos.
Journal of Cell Science 106 (1993), 1153-1168.
- Novák, B. and J.J. Tyson,
Quantitative analysis of a molecular
model of mitotic control in fission yeast,
Journal of Theoretical Biology 173,
(1995), 283-305.
- Novák, B. and J.J. Tyson,
Modeling the control of DNA replication in fission yeast.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 94,
(1997), 9147-9152.
- Novak, B., A. Csikasz-Nagy, B. Gyorffy, K. Nasmyth, and J.J. Tyson,
Model scenarios for evolution of the eukaryotic cell cycle.
Phil. Transactions Royal Society London B 353,
(1998), 2063-2076.
- Novak, B., Z. Pataki, A. Ciliberto and J.J. Tyson,
Mathematical model of the cell division cycle of fission yeast
Chaos 11, 1(March, 2001), 277-286.
- Sha W., J. Moore, K. Chen, A.D. Lassaletta, C.-S. Yi, J.J. Tyson,
and J.C. Sible,
Hysteresis drives cell-cycle transitions in Xenopus laevis egg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 100,
(2003), 975-980.
- Sveiczer, A., J.J. Tyson, and B. Novak,
Modeling the fission yeast cell cycle,
Briefings in Fuctional Genomics and Proteomics 2,
(2004), 298-307.
- Tyson, J.J., K. Chen, and B. Novak,
Network dynamics and cell physiology,
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2, (2001), 908-916.
- Tyson, J.J. and B. Novak,
Regulation of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle:
Molecular Antagonism, Hysteresis, and Irreversible Transitions,
Journal of Theoretical Biology (2001), 249-263.
- Tyson, J.J., K.C. Chen, and B. Novak,
Sniffers, buzzers, toggles and blinkers: dynamics of regulatory and
signaling pathways in the cell,
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 15, 2(2003), 221-31.
- Vass, M., J.M. Carroll, and C.A. Shaffer,
"Supporting Creativity in Problem Solving Environments," in
Proceedings of the Fourth Creativity &
Cognition Conference,
Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK, October 2002, 31-37.
- Zwolak, J.W., J.J. Tyson, and L.T. Watson,
"Estimating rate constants in cell cycle models," in
Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium 2001,
A. Tentner (ed.), Soc. for Modeling and Simulation Internat.,
San Diego,CA 2001, 53-57.
- Zwolak, J.W., J.J. Tyson, and L.T. Watson,
"Estimating Rate Constants in Cell Cycle Models" (poster).
Virginia Tech Workshop on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,
March 19, 2001.
Also, Annual Student Research Symposium, Virginia Tech, March 26, 2001.
- Zwolak, J.W.,
"Parameter Estimation in Biological Cell Cycle Models Using
Deterministic Optimization". Masters Thesis. Virginia Tech,
October 31, 2001.
- Zwolak, J.W., J.J. Tyson, and L.T. Watson,
"Parameter Estimation in a Cell Cycle Model for Frog Egg Extracts,"
in Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium 2002,
A. Tentner (ed.), Soc. For Modeling and Simulation Internat.,
San Diego, CA, 2002, 67-74.
- Zwolak, J.W., J.J. Tyson, and L.T. Watson,
"Finding All Steady States in Biological Models"; poster
presented at the International Conference on Systems
Biology in Stockholm, Sweden, December 2002.
- Zwolak, J.W., J.J. Tyson, and L.T. Watson,
"Finding all steady state solutions of chemical kinetic models" in
Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium 2003,
I. Banicescu (ed.), Soc. for Modeling and Simulation Internat.,
San Diego, CA, 2003, 47-53.
- S4W: A Problem Solving Environment for Wireless System Design,
Dhananjay Mishra, Clifford A. Shaffer, Naren Ramakrishnan,
Layne T. Watson, Kyung K. Bae, Jian He, Alex A. Verstak,
and William H. Tranter, submitted to Computing and Visualization in
- C. J. Ribbens, L. T. Watson, and C. deSa, "Toward parallel mathematical
software for elliptic partial differential equations", ACM Trans.
Math. Software, 19 (1993) 457--473.
- R. Melville, S. Moinian, P. Feldmann, and L. Watson, "Sframe: An
efficient system for detailed DC simulation of bipolar analog integrated
circuits using continuation methods", Analog Integrated Circuits
Signal Processing, 3 (1993) 163--180.
- C. J. Ribbens, G. G. Pitts, and L. T. Watson, "Parallel ELLPACK for
shared memory multiprocessors", Comput. Systems Engrg., 4 (1993)
- A. Goel, C. Phanouriou, F. A. Kamke, C. J. Ribbens, C. A. Shaffer, and
L. T. Watson, "WBCSim: A prototype problem solving environment for
wood-based composites simulations", Engrg. Computers, 15 (1999)
- A. Goel, C. A. Baker, C. A. Shaffer, B. Grossman, W. H. Mason, L. T.
Watson, and R. T. Haftka, "VizCraft: a problem solving environment for
configuration design of a high speed civil transport", sl
Comput. Sci. Engrg., 3 (2001) 56--66.
- R. Dymond, V. Lohani, D. Kibler, D. Bosch, E. J. Rubin, R. Dietz, J.
Chanat, C. Speir, C. A. Shaffer, N. Ramakrishnan, and L. T. Watson,
"From landscapes to waterscapes: a PSE for landuse change analysis",
Engrg. Computers, 19 (2003) 9--25.
- L. T. Watson, V. K. Lohani, D. F. Kibler, R. L. Dymond, N. Ramakrishnan,
and C. A. Shaffer, "Integrated computing environments for watershed
management", J. Comput. Civil Engrg., 16 (2002) 259--268.
- N. Ramakrishnan, L. T. Watson, D. G. Kafura, C. J. Ribbens, and C. A.
Shaffer, "Programming environments for multidisciplinary grid
communities", Concurrency Comput.: Pract. Exper., 14 (2002)
- J. Shu, L. T. Watson, B. G. Zombori, and F. A. Kamke, "WBCSim: an
environment for modeling wood-based composites manufacture",
Engrg. Computers, *
- A. Verstak, N. Ramakrishnan, L. T. Watson, J. He, C. A. Shaffer, K. K.
Bae, J. Jiang, W. H. Tranter, and T. S. Rappaport, "BSML: a binding
schema markup language for data interchange in problem solving
environments", Sci. Programming, 11 (2003) 199--224.
- J. He, A. Verstak, L. T. Watson, C. A. Stinson, N. Ramakrishnan, C. A.
Shaffer, T. S. Rappaport, C. R. Anderson, K. Bae, J. Jiang, and W. H.
Tranter, "Globally optimal transmitter placement for indoor wireless
communication systems", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.,
to appear.
- J. Shu, L. T. Watson, N. Ramakrishnan, F. A. Kamke, and B. G. Zombori,
"An experiment management component for the WBCSim problem solving
environment", Adv. Engrg. Software, 35 (2004) 115--123.
- A. Verstak, N. Ramakrishnan, K. K. Bae, W. H. Tranter, L. T. Watson, J.
He, C. A. Shaffer, and T. S. Rappaport, "Using hierarchical data mining
to characterize performance of wireless system configurations",
ACM Trans. Modeling Comput. Simulation, *
- N. A. Allen, C. A. Shaffer, M. T. Vass, N. Ramakrishnan, and L. T.
Watson, "Improving the development process for eukaryotic cell cycle
models with a modeling support environment", Simulation, 79
(2003) 674--688.
- M. Vass, N. Allen, C. A. Shaffer, N. Ramakrishnan, L. T. Watson, and J.
J. Tyson, "The JigCell Model Builder and Run Manager",
Bioinformatics, *
- N. Allen, L. Calzone, K. C. Chen, A. Ciliberto, N. Ramakrishnan, C. A.
Shaffer, J. C. Sible, J. J. Tyson, M. Vass, L. T. Watson, and J. Zwolak,
"Modeling regulatory networks at Virginia Tech", OMICS,
7 (2003) 285--299.
- R. Skidmore, A. Verstak, N. Ramakrishnan, T. S. Rappaport, L. T.
Watson, J. He, S. Varadarajan, C. A. Shaffer, J. Chen, K. K. Bae, J.
Jiang, and W. H. Tranter, "Towards integrated PSEs for wireless
communications: experiences with the S4W and SitePlanner
projects", ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Comput. Commun. Rev., 8 (2004)
- M. Vass, C. A. Shaffer, N. Ramakrishnan, L. T. Watson, and J. J. Tyson,
"The JigCell Model Builder: an error-reducing editor for creating
regulatory network models", IEEE Trans. Comput. Biol.
Bioinformatics, *
- D. Mishra, C. A. Shaffer, N. Ramakrishnan, L. T. Watson, K. K. Bae, J.
He, A. A. Verstak, and W. H. Tranter, " S4W: a problem
solving environment for wireless system design", Comput.
Visualization Sci., *
- L. S. Auvil, C. J. Ribbens, and L. T. Watson, "Problem specific
environments for parallel computing", in Proc. Scalable High
Performance Computing Conf., R. Voigt (ed.), IEEE Computer Soc.
Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1992, 149--152.
- C. A. Shaffer, L. T. Watson, and D. G. Kafura, "Component frameworks
for problem solving environments in computational science", in
Proc. First Symposium on Reusable Architectures and Components for
Developing Distributed Information Systems, Orlando, FL, 1999,
- A. Goel, C. Baker, C. A. Shaffer, B. Grossman, R. T. Haftka, W. H.
Mason, and L. T. Watson, "VizCraft: a multidimensional visualization
tool for aircraft configuration design", in Proc. IEEE
Visualization '99, San Francisco, CA, 1999, 425--428.
- C. A. Shaffer, L. T. Watson, D. G. Kafura, and N. Ramakrishnan,
"Features of problem solving environments for computational science",
in Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium 2000, A. Tentner
(ed.), Soc. for Computer Simulation Internat., San Diego, CA,
2000, 242--247.
- A. Goel, C. Phanouriou, F. A. Kamke, C. J. Ribbens, C. A. Shaffer, and
L. T. Watson, "WBCSim: A prototype PSE for wood-based composites
simulations", in Enabling Technologies for Computational Science;
Frameworks, Middleware and Environments, E. N. Houstis, J. R. Rice,
E. Gallopoulos, and R. Bramley (eds.), Kluwer, Norwell, MA, 2000,
- E. J. Rubin, R. Dietz, S. Lingam, J. Chanat, C. Speir, R. Dymond, V.
Lohani, D. Kibler, D. Bosch, C. A. Shaffer, N. Ramakrishnan, and L. T.
Watson, "From landscapes to waterscapes: a PSE for landuse change
analysis", in Proc. 16th IMACS World Congress, M. Deville and R.
Owens (eds.), CD-ROM, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2000, 6 pages.
- C. A. Shaffer, N. Ramakrishnan, L. T. Watson, R. Dymond, and V. Lohani,
"The role of problem solving environments in watershed assessment",
in Proc. Integrated Decision-Making for Watershed Management
Symposium: Processes and Tools, Virginia Water Resources Research
Center, Blacksburg, VA, VWRRC P7--2001, 2001, 677--690.
- E. J. Rubin, R. Dietz, J. Chanat, C. Speir, R. Dymond, V. Lohani, D.
Kibler, D. Bosch, C. A. Shaffer, N. Ramakrishnan, and L. T. Watson,
"From landscapes to waterscapes: a PSE for landuse change analysis",
in Proc. Integrated Decision-Making for Watershed Management
Symposium: Processes and Tools, Virginia Water Resources Research
Center, Blacksburg, VA, VWRRC P7--2001, 2001, 643--659.
- A. Verstak, M. Vass, N. Ramakrishnan, C. Shaffer, L. T. Watson, K. K.
Bae, J. Jiang, W. H. Tranter, and T. S. Rappaport, "Lightweight data
management for compositional modeling in problem solving environments",
in Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium 2001, A. Tentner
(ed.), Soc. for Modeling and Simulation Internat., San Diego, CA,
2001, 148--153.
- J. He, A. Verstak, L. T. Watson, T. S. Rappaport, C. R. Anderson, N.
Ramakrishnan, C. A. Shaffer, W. H. Tranter, K. Bae, and J. Jiang,
"Global optimization of transmitter placement in wireless
communication systems", in Proc. High Performance Computing
Symposium 2002, A. Tentner (ed.), Soc. for Modeling and Simulation
Internat., San Diego, CA, 2002, 328--333.
- A. Verstak, J. He, L. T. Watson, N. Ramakrishnan, C. A. Shaffer, T. S.
Rappaport, C. R. Anderson, K. Bae, J. Jiang, and W. H. Tranter,
"S4W: globally optimized design of wireless communication
systems", in Proc. 16th Internat. Parallel and Distributed
Processing Symp., CD-ROM, IEEE Computer Soc., Los Alamitos, CA, 2002,
8 pages.
- K. K. Bae, J. Jiang, W. H. Tranter, C. R. Anderson, T. S. Rappaport, J.
He, A. Verstak, L. T. Watson, N. Ramakrishnan, and C. A. Shaffer,
"WCDMA STTD performance analysis with transmitter location
optimization in indoor systems using ray-tracing technique", in
Proc. IEEE 2002 Radio and Wireless Conference, Boston, MA, 2002,
- F. A. Kamke, L. T. Watson, B. Zombori, and J. Shu, "A web-based
problem solving environment for wood-based composite applications",
in Proc. Internat. Academy of Wood Science Annual Meeting,
Bejing, China, 2002, 96--106.
- J. Shu, L. T. Watson, N. Ramakrishnan, B. G. Zombori, and F. A. Kamke,
"An experiment management component for the WBCSim problem solving
environment", in Proc. High Performance Computing Symposium
2003, I. Banicescu (ed.), Soc. for Modeling and Simulation Internat.,
San Diego, CA, 2003, 23--29.
- A. Sioson, J. I. Watkinson, C. Vasquez-Robinet, M. Ellis, M. Shukla, D.
Kumar, N. Ramakrishnan, L. S. Heath, R. Grene, B. I. Chevone, K.
Kafadar, and L. T. Watson, "Expresso and chips: creating a next
generation microarray experiment management system", in Proc.
Next Generation Software Workshop, 17th Internat. Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symp., CD-ROM, IEEE Computer Soc., Los
Alamitos, CA, 2003, 8 pages.
- N. A. Allen, C. A. Shaffer, M. T. Vass, N. Ramakrishnan, and L. T.
Watson, "Improving the development process for eukaryotic cell cycle
models with a modeling support environment", in Proc. 2003 Winter
Simulation Conf., S. Chick, P. J. Sanchez, D. Ferrin, and D. J.
Morrice (eds.), 2003, 782--790.
Send comments and suggestions to: pse@cs.vt.edu
Last updated: 19 July, 2004 |